FORWARD THINKING British Organization visits ALWATAN Center

FORWARD THINKING British Organization visited ALWATAN Center to discuss the joint programs that they are currently working on and future cooperation issues in Palestine.
The meeting was very fruitful and full of positive discussion topics that will be more clarified later on. The delegate was fascinated by ALWATAN Center’s different activities and programs. The delegate, also, praised ALWATAN Center’s bright history in working with different gender and age groups, especially women and youths.
The meeting included: Nayef Hashlamoun (ALWATAN Center President), Jordan Morgan (UK Programme Manager at Forward Thinking) , Lila Cherrih ( the Programme Assistant at Forward Thinking), Afnan Maraqa, and Doa Idais (ALWATAN President Assistants).

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” What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger” Friedrich Nietzsche