Happy International Women’s Day


8th of March 2018.

ALWATAN Center is working on developing a hand-work center in Khirbet Ghwain, Sourif, and Hebron by which it encourages women to make embroidery, crochet, and handwork. The center welcomes any interested women in villages and the city of Hebron itself to participate and create their own works, and then sells these products in the market. In this regard, AlWATAN Center stays alongside with women and their needs. We do our best to draw a work path for Palestinian women so that we can empower them in our society as much as possible away from racism or any kind of oppression. We believe that WOMEN represent a fundamental source for development, prosperity and peace-loving.

We appreciate your support and donation in order to work together to empower women and help them find a marketing platform for their traditional products.

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